OutsetMedical, SAGECents, Boston Scientific
Digital Impulse
During my time as a designer at Digital Impulse, I collaborated with diverse clients to craft social media and digital marketing ad campaigns.
At Outset Medical, a healthcare innovator transforming dialysis care for patients and providers, I developed digital marketing ads within their brand guidelines. These ads showcased their Tablo at-home dialysis solutions, employing warm colors and rounded shapes to convey ease and accessibility.
SAGE, a national advocacy and services organization championing LGBTQ+ elders since 1978, entrusted us to promote their SAGECents program—a digital wellness platform tailored for LGBTQ+ elders to bolster financial stability and ease economic stress. Collaborating with the marketing team, I contributed to creating engaging social media ads that resonate with SAGE’s values of inclusivity and diversity, while exuding approachability and energy.
Working with Boston Scientific, a trailblazer in healthcare and biotech, posed the challenge of condensing copious information into concise campaigns. Collaboratively, I designed Instagram carousel ads that effectively distilled this wealth of information into digestible segments for their audience. While adhering to their brand standards, the ads were sleek, easily comprehensible, and engaging, employing effective design strategies.